Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs provide students with relevant tools and skills that set them up for success in life and their careers, including those not typically part of traditional academic programs.
These programs offer something unique and, in many cases, tap into a student’s personal interests – even as they still provide a valuable education experience. CTE programs have countless benefits to students, and funding to implement, sustain, or grow your existing CTE programs is crucial. While there are many free resources available, having the funds to purchase basic equipment or upgrade to premium services can make a huge difference.
So where do you start when looking to fund your CTE program? The most significant source of United States government funds for CTE comes from The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, also known as “Perkins V” or “Perkins CTE grants.” It’s a grant, meaning you don’t have to pay it back, but the application process is competitive, and you’ll need to satisfy requirements as part of the grant.
Below is a brief overview on Perkins V, and what you need to know about applying for Perkins V.
About Perkins VPerkins V is the largest federal investment in CTE. States apply to the federal Department of Education under this legislation, and the DOE allocates money to those states. Each state distributes the money it receives to school districts and postsecondary institutions. As a CTE educator or decision-maker, you can and should apply to receive part of your state’s Perkins V distribution!
Process and Timeline for Applying for Perkins V
Each state has its own unique application form, process, and requirements to receive Perkins V funds. Consult your state education department’s CTE office for deadlines, information, and application materials.
Here are some quick tips on the application process:
Prepare to Apply for Perkins V
Since states have extended their deadline, use this additional time to learn about the grant and the application process. The more you know about these requirements, the better you can craft your application to show your readiness to meet them.
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