Balancing sustainability and innovation in education
As recipients of public funding and taxpayer dollars, K-12 school budgets and spending expenditures are under a microscope. Relief funds ...
As recipients of public funding and taxpayer dollars, K-12 school budgets and spending expenditures are under a microscope. Relief funds ...
Cybersecurity is at the forefront of IT issues to be addressed over the next year. Nearly every list of major ...
In recent days, Ukrainian officials have expressed urgent concern that “Russia is planning to launch massive cyberattacks on critical infrastructure.” ...
Local leaders must play a critical role in closing the digital divide for 18 million American households that have access ...
Higher education institutions and K-12 schools are still reeling from the changes made during the pandemic, and the looming threat ...
Sometimes it feels like a school district IT department doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Yes, technology is more a ...
Even before COVID-19, reading scores among U.S. students had been declining for the first time in a decade, something that jeopardizes a generation’s achievement ...
The education sector continues to get slammed by cyberattacks. Microsoft’s Global Threat Activity Map by Industry shows that, as of ...
The typical K-12 school system has the same basic security needs as any modern university campus: centralized management and control ...
School district leaders across the country are cautiously optimistic about post-pandemic teaching and learning–and they’re also tracking what may be ...
is an international Newspaper with focus on developments in the education sector. We have a broad focus on developments in Countries in the African Continent, Countries in North America, especially the Caribbean, Europe and Asia.