The man who confessed to have slept with 28 h00kers this year said he was afraid of checking his status until he fell sick.“Will you blame me? Just this year alone I have slept with 28 girls all prostitute and I did it raw with some of them.
It started last 2week lymph node appeared at the back of my head. While streaming on TikTok they say it’s the early signs of HIV. Since Thursday I have been feeling fiverish.. with muscle pain it keeps recurring. I got discharged on Saturday but ran back to the hospital this early morning because I couldn’t sleep at night.
The doctor was forced to do a general test on me, at first I wanted to insist because I know my yansh will open because have already concluded I’m HIV positive with all this symptoms but I had no choice.. I’m still here in the hospital fixed on drip and the test results just came in to my surprise the nurse said my sugar level is good and I’m HIV negative
This is the same status I have been avoiding to check because I have made up my mind I’m infected.
I have been thinking how to go for HIV program and the antiviral drug.”